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From an early age, I have fostered an unsatisfied curiosity. I didn't know it then, but play was already essential to my life.

During my artistic endeavours, my goal was to transform passive observers into engaged participants, hoping they would develop affection or interest in the work. This period marked the beginning of a journey into the myriad forms of play, including immersive theatre, tabletop games, video games, live-action role-play, and more. Over five years, I delved deep into play's forms, engaging in practice, theory, experimentation, and validation.

Play offers a wide range of applications and benefits. It helps us pursue a higher interest in the things around us. When we play, we engage fully with life and its contents to discover the most profound truths in ordinary things.

After numerous collaborative projects, I began compiling research, methodologies, and frameworks on play, leading to what we now call the Play Method. This foundation enabled the launch of Living Things Studio, which is focused on creating, sharing, and promoting play.

Tiz Creel | founder & Director


Play is found widely in nature, and it is highly relevant in social psychology. Like dark matter, play is considered fundamental yet poorly understood. We have overlooked the potential and power of play by believing it is a non-productive child behaviour — our mission is to change that idea.

Our values are built around the belief that play — as a concept, a design tool, and an experience — is vital in understanding ourselves and the world around us.

We are only scratching the surface of what play can do for us.


It is crucial for us to raise awareness of the multiple underlying societal issues we face, but most importantly, we need people to care more. That is why we focus on building a stronger society by embedding ideas of care, responsibility, and culture in most of our work.

We see play as a tool to explore social change. Through the interactions between play and reality, new truths could emerge. Today, we need to play more than ever to encounter the challenges and uncertainties of the future; for us, imagination driven by play is the parameter for understanding the unknown.

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